Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tips for Making Craigslist Ads Clickable

Other than placing graphics, another method to get more traffic from Craigslist is just to make your ad clickable. This can be done by making text or images on Craigslist clickable via hyperlink. Sounds easy right? Well, there is a little more to it than that. I would suggest that you avoid linking straight to your main website. Instead, consider using a disposable site to redirect from. Go from Craigslist to your other site and then redirect from your disposable site to your money site. Just why do we need to do this? If you just post the same website link in all of your ads you eventually will find that your main site is banned. Blacklisted links simply mean ads will more likely than not be ghosted. So, use a secondary site and never direct link to your main site. You can also consider having more than one secondary website. By using a few secondary website addresses, you reduce the chance of Craigslist finding any pattern to your ads. Besides using your own Craigslist proxy, this is just another way that you can increase the amount of traffic, leads and hopefully money that you can generate from Craigslist.

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